D.I.Y. Funfetti Dip!

funfetti dip I had to bring some food for my Texas Belle’s potluck recently. I have a super busy schedule on Wednesdays so I knew I had to find something easy and tasty from Pinterest! Thankfully, I found the funfetti dip recipe, which only requires 4 ingredients: the following information is directly from http://www.eat-yourself-skinny.com/2012/06/funfetti-dip.html


1. funfetti cake mix

2. 2 cups of all natural plain yogurt

3. 1 cup of Cool Whip!

4. fat free animal crackers or I like to use Honey flavored Teddy Grahams

funfetti edited

The recipe above makes enough for about a 30 person party. All you do is mix it together and if desired, garnish with sprinkles! I put a spoon in the dip and let people scoop however much they wanted into their own little cups.

Nutrition Facts: 

Servings: 24

Serving Size: 1/4 cup
Calories: 105
Fat: 2 g
Carbs: 20.2 g
Fiber: 0.3 g
Protein: 1.4 g

It was a great success and I’ll definitely be making this for more party gatherings! Try it out and let me know how it goes!

D.I.Y. Budget Birthday Cookie Cake!

Yesterday, my friend Christina and I decided to get together to help celebrate Ellen’s birthday. These are some girls I’ve known for over 15 years! Finals are just around the corner and this is the time of the year when a million things are due, so Christina and I knew we didn’t have a lot of time but we both still came up with a cute and clever way to surprise Ellen!

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Therefore, we had to make a cake!

1.  We baked 2 layers of a 9 inch chocolate cake.

2. Then, we baked some funfetti cookies (My absolute favorite)

3.  Iced the layers together and stuck the cookies around the side to make it an actual COOKIE cake.

4. Cut up some strawberries in an orderly fashion and laid them on top.

5. Christina cut out letters to be funny that said HBD LN — happy birthday ellen, get it? haha

6. Taped it to a couple skewers, and put it on the cake!

birthdaycake    group picture